My Account
If you are not a representative, you can apply to become a rep here and someone will be in touch very soon to discuss the details:
Welcome to your rep area. Here you can find information about your rep link and earnings. In addition to your coupon code, you can post or share this link to generate traffic and to get paid for referrals.
Rep Information
Affiliate link
Your affiliate URL:
Use this code to embed your affiliate link:
<a href="[affiliates_url]">Affiliate link</a>
Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.
Total Earnings
Commissions pending payment
[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”accepted”]
Commissions paid
[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”closed”]
Number of sales referred
- Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status=”accepted”]
- Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status=”closed”]
Monthly Earnings